Typical Scenario for a gallery or art fair:
Step 1. Consult with director or manager to determine specific needs in advance of an exhibition.
- QR codes will be used in mailers and to accompany wall-mounted labels.
-QR codes will be printed as stickers to accompany artworks sold.
- Audio files will be linked to email and social media promotions.
Step 2. Create audio recording plan:
- Each featured artist will each record three brief audio guides for individual artworks.
- Gallery director will record an exhibition overview.
Step 3. Record, edit, review audio; generate QR codes and incorporate into promotional efforts as above.
Scenario for an independent artist follows those outlined above, adapted for his/her particular workflow. For example, a sculptor who produces three large exterior works annually will have different needs from a printmaker with work in multiple galleries and online sales.
Ready to discuss your project? Just fill out the contact form to the right.