George Fishman
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Felici Asteinza - Milagros: Portal Culture at Miami Dade College's Freedom Tower
Beatrice Coron at MTA Arts in Transit
Naomi Wilzig at World Erotic Art Museum
Kurt Steger, sculptor - Les Yeux du Monde Gallery
Pablo Cano on the Seven Wonders of the Western World
Shoshanna Weinberger at Carol Jazzar Contemporary Art
Edouard Duval-Carrie at Bernice Steinbaum Gallery
Lillian Sizemore on geometric resonances
Frank Hyder on his Koi series layered paintings
Tom Weinkle on Adrift
Marian Shapiro on Lifescape
Sonia King on capturing the elusive in mosaic
Faith Ringgold on American People, Black Light
Chris Oh, co-director - Primary Flight Space
Doreen Adams on Mad Hatter's Tea Party
I Witness at Bernice Steinbaum Gallery
Paola Ferrario at the Fountainhead Residency
Samantha Holmes on bridging old and new
Bunny Yeager on photographing models in the Yucatan
Eclectic at Little Haiti Cultural Center
Phillip Estlund at Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
Surface Merchants mural collective
Persian Sea ceiling at the Norton Museum of Art
Square Foot Art Basel
Enrique Gomez de Molina
Adrienne von Lates, education director - Bass Museum
Painter Russ Warren studio visit
Fruit and Spice Park - mobile guide
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FRANK HYDER, Koi Swirl 2
© George Fishman 2012
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